Which k2 board is it? - k2 board with a king card
I understand a K2 board some time ago, a gift and in what is k2 board. It returns a Web site that lists all the tables. I checked the site K2. otherwise. I still have no camera, when he attach a photo.
The model name must be .... on the deck of the Board of Directors Mine is a merger and the name of the model on a circle on the board, also made by K2.
The model is expected to be in the upper layer or a portion of the base. If you know that it (K2), the search for a meaning they could be on the shelf, that's the name. This is probably the first name followed by the size and _____ 152nd If you are not in the top layer, or base, you can use the side walls. It can be printed.
Photos help ..
But no one made for me, can help advise on u?
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