Monday, November 16, 2009

Parts Of A Sailboat Diagram What Part In A Sailboat Is The Pulley?

What part in a Sailboat is the pulley? - parts of a sailboat diagram

Please answer the responsibility here, and I know nothing about sailing.


Ecky Thump said...

Strictly speaking, a role in a wheel or a belt drive. It could take a role on the engine of a sailboat at the generator or water pump.

The hardware on a sailboat or for routing to a mechanical advantage of the lines) (ropes, which actually create a block. A block consists of a Shive in a frame. A line through a shape, a front to block.

juanitod... said...

Unless a little confused for something that no "real chicken" on a sailing boat. Werepoodle is absolutely right: this is called a slice in the terminology of the landlubber as a "block" on board. The blocks can be single, double, triple, etc., depending on the level of "buy" necessary.

Caretake... said...

Sailboat roles are in every part of strengthening the force is used regularly required as the main sheet) (growth attitude, vang (the tension on the sail mast fitting) raising traps (left and lower the sails) and may fall be () to the rear mast support setting. If the blade (the LOC) is often called to get into mechanical advantage of winds.

Caretake... said...

Sailboat roles are in every part of strengthening the force is used regularly required as the main sheet) (growth attitude, vang (the tension on the sail mast fitting) raising traps (left and lower the sails) and may fall be () to the rear mast support setting. If the blade (the LOC) is often called to get into mechanical advantage of winds.

threeshe... said...

I also agree with the detailed description Werepoodle role and block. Many combinations of materials can be manipulated in each block depending on the number of blocks and the number of clusters.

steplift... said...

A pulley is a wheel that rotates around a rope, you guessed it ---- --- pulley

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